For Example:
Visit the Stable Isotope Facility to learn how hair samples can be used to track animal migrations, or what fingernail clippings (even your own) tell about diet.
Check out the specimens at the UW Museum of Vertebrates, and learn how research collections provide invaluable information to scientists.
Spring and summer are great times to learn about the diversity of life just outside our doors--trees, flowers, insects and more. Tours can be customized to meet the learning goals of your class, from kindergarten to college.
Biodiversity workshops hosted by the Biodiversity Institute can be tailored to grades K-12 and designed around a biodiversity topic of interest. Examples include: Plant identification, tracking of rare and sensitive species, the use of genetic data in biodiversity studies, Wyoming's special flora and fauna, and visits to the Rocky Mountain Herbarium or the Museum of Vertebrates. Click here to learn more.
Designed for children from birth to age 12 and their accompanying grownups, the Kids Corner offers an assortment of fun, hands-on activities that are designed to encourage discovery through play. An ideal area for early learners, this educational environment emphasizes the use of real objects with an extensive teaching collection for exploring natural history, life-cycle and biodiversity science topics.
Want to learn outdoors? We do too! Biodiversity scientists may be available to join your class in the field, for vegetation identification and analysis, bird counting, investigations of aquatic invertebrates and more. Field trips can be an exciting day of learning all by themselves, or just the beginning of a project involving stable isotopes or molecular genetics research at the Berry Center.
No education would be possible without teachers! The BI supports teacher education and professional development through the Science and Mathematics Teaching Center. We have also collaborated with SMTC and the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Department to host an exhibit and workshop for preschool educators and students. If you are an SMTC student or thinking of becoming one, and would like to do a project at the Berry Center, we would love to hear from you!