Scientists and the Community working together to track amphibians
Frogs, toads and salamanders are disappearing around the world - but you can help by joining the Rocky Mountain Amphibian Project (RMAP)!
That’s why we need passionate community scientists like you to help track amphibian populations in the Rocky Mountain region. RMAP surveys are conducted in a standardized manner, which allows us to have an “early warning system” to alert us to potential population declines before it is too late. Please consider helping us keep track of these amazing creatures by joining RMAP to survey a catchment in your area! There are catchments in three National Forests: Medicine Bow in southeastern Wyoming, Bridger-Teton in northwestern Wyoming, and Routt in northern Colorado.
The Rocky Mountain Amphibian Project was launched in April 2014. It is a partnership of federal and state agencies, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and community scientists dedicated to collecting data on amphibians in the Rocky Mountain region in a standardized manner. The resulting datasets are compatible with existing monitoring programs (e.g., ARMI) and can contribute to analysis of amphibian population trends at multiple spatial scales.
Thank you for another successful field season of searching for Wyoming’s amphibians! It might feel like forever ago that you were wading through willow thickets in search of a tiny hopping frog—but that means we’re just a few months away from those lovely summer days in search of Wyoming’s and Colorado’s amphibians again. In the meantime, we hope you’ll enjoy looking back on the results of your 2024 surveys in this report.