Each spring, summer, and fall, Wyoming is host to one of the most useful birds in the region: the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)! Cathartes is Greek for “purifier.” By scavenging animal carcasses, Turkey Vultures serve a vital role as the recyclers and cleaners of the plains, prairies, forests, and foothills.
Turkey Vultures range across most of North America, from southern Canada, throughout the continental US and Mexico, and through most of Central and South America. Despite their huge range, there is a lot not known about them.
The University of Wyoming campus and the broader Laramie area offer an opportunity to fill in gaps in our knowledge of Turkey Vultures in Wyoming. In early to mid-April, they arrive in Laramie after migrating from wintering grounds in Central and South America. Discovering roosts, nests, and habitat use in Laramie and across Wyoming offers an opportunity to fill in gaps in our knowledge of Turkey Vultures for the region. In early to mid-April, they arrive in Wyoming after migrating from wintering grounds in Central and South America. As soon as they return, Vulture Watch Wyoming members will gather data on where Turkey Vultures roost, where young birds are seen, and how vultures use the landscape.
Join Vulture Watch Wyoming
Vulture Watch Wyoming invites community members from across the state to share their observations of these fascinating birds. There is much to learn about roost dynamics, breeding behavior, and how they interact with their habitat. Whether you spend a few minutes observing their communal roost, watch them soar, or you find roost sites, your reported observations will help researchers at the University of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates and the Biodiversity Institute build a better picture of where these important birds are found in Wyoming.
If you'd like to participate in Vulture Watch Wyoming, come attend the training on Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 10 AM in the Berry Center at the University of Wyoming campus or Zoom. Learn about what we discovered in the first year, and get ready to gather data for the second!
If you're unable to attend in person, sign up to attend through Zoom here: https://uwyo.zoom.us/meeting/register/C4GEITpsSZmZiD-XCDSVZA
Report Your Sightings of Turkey Vultures in Wyoming:
Did you know turkey vultures serve a vital role in Wyoming as recyclers and "cleaners"? Yet, even as one of the most widely distributed North American birds, little is understood about them here. Join us for the Vulture Watch Wyoming community science project's second year from anywhere in WY!
Attend the 2025 training in person or on zoom.
Results from the first year of Vulture Watch Wyoming